? Kohler Generator Accessories Dealer and installer Monmouth County, Ocean County, Middlesex County, and Rest of NJ and New York


  • Automatic Paralleling Module (APM)



    The PowerSync® Automatic Paralleling Module is designed for two 14RESA or two 20RESA single-phase product. PowerSync enables the paralleling of two Kohler single-phase generator sets to reduce fuel consumption, provide redundant operation, and extend the life of the generator sets.

  • Battery:
    Group 24, 38-125kW



    Power your generator engine with a reliable 12-volt battery. Generators ship without batteries to ensure that the freshest possible battery is installed at the jobsite.

  • Battery Heater,
    14RESA, 20RESA, 14RES, 20RES, 40-150ERES/B/C/D



    Feel confident that your generator will perform in sub-freezing weather. When the temperature falls below a determined level, the thermostat activates the battery heater for optimum battery temperature.

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